Science, Spirituality and Physics, Can They Get Along?
Feb 01, 2023Science – Spirituality – Physics – Philosophy
Are they all trying to answer the same question? Why are we here? What are we made of? Who made us? What is the meaning of life?
All these disciplines seem to put on blinders and adhere so rigidly to their own dogma that they don’t even notice the similarities in each other.
Can they all get along and work in harmony?
From a young child we have been told what to do, what to think and how to act. Our domestication started shortly after our journey from the womb. Everything we have been taught has been based upon someone else’s experiences and what belief system they subscribed to… We have been poked, prodded, shaped and formed based upon someone else’s ideas and perceptions. Through this process we begin to take on the image suitable to those around us based upon their ideas and perceptions of reality, as opposed to discovering our true selves.
What is the truth?
What is reality?
Who are you?
Who am I?
It depends upon your belief system and what experiences became your reference points while you were growing up, which helped form your perception of “reality”.
How is it that 10 people can see the same event and give you 10 different descriptions of what happened? It all depends on what they perceived happened and how they related to it based upon their past experiences and teachings.
We are all a conglomeration of all of the experiences that have happened to us up to this point in our lives; one big file cabinet that we delve into every time we need to interpret our experiences. When this happens we find a file that looks similar to that experience and then define it based upon our perceptions of that past experience. Then we record it as “truth” and continue the interpretation process… And so we create our “reality”…
So what is our reality? I guess it depends on our domestication process and who taught us what “truth” was…
Isn’t it time that we wipe the slate clean; start actually looking at what is going on around us and question what we thought was reality.
The first step is to stop judging everything based upon what we “know” and just feel more from the heart and less from the head. The more we look at the facts with an open mind and resist trying to analyze them, the more we begin to see things as they are as opposed to what we want or perceive them to be. In this way we slowly remove our blinders and expand our vision.
Our “Teachers” – Our “Truths”:
A paradigm shift in our science, culture and spirituality is at hand.
History has shown us that radically new advances in worldviews almost never occur with the unbiased and open blessing of the old. Throughout history “experts” and “professionals” have suppressed new information and new findings because it could shake up society or disturb the standard practice that has stood for centuries. Religious zealots have burned and destroyed books written by other religions. Scientists have purposefully discredited or destroyed others’ careers and discoveries just so their outdated “theories” wouldn’t be challenged and have labeled anything that they cannot prove in the lab as “hypocrisy”. Conquerors routinely burned and destroyed the historical texts, art, culture, buildings and entire histories of the people that they had overrun so they could crush their will and force the new way on them. Large archeological societies and religions have routinely bought or “acquired” ancient findings, just to hide or destroy them, so those findings didn’t upset the model that the current culture was taught, or perhaps, so that culture wouldn’t question what that large society or religion had taught as “truth” during those times. We must remember that the “field experts” and scientists that we listen to, and subliminally record their theories as truth, are also humans that are subject to the same religious, philosophical and cultural prejudices and perceptions as the rest of us.
Even through all of these attempts to hide the truth, ancient spiritual texts are being found that shatter our current views of religion and spirituality. Archeologists are finding buried civilizations that drastically change our current views on our origins and our history. Scientists are finding that what we thought were the smallest particles are actually quite large, and that what we though were constants are variable. Physicists are finding that what we though was solid is actually just a wave particle vibrating at a certain pitch and what we thought was dark, empty space actually has mass. Quantum Physicists are realizing that everything that we think is “real” might just be a hologram created in the minds of the people that inhabit it! Many “truths” that we have subscribed to and were taught in our outdated schoolbooks are being proven wrong!
What is your truth?
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